Teacher Handbook

Teacher Handbook

Instructors are to provide both a one time payment option and a 3 installment payment option. Instructors must keep track of their own accounts. Should there be any issue with the collection of payment from a parent, teachers shall speak to the parent directly before involving the administration. If collection of monies from a parent becomes impossible, ACE cannot cover lost expenses nor act as a collection agency for instructors.

Add/drop closes immediately before the third class meeting each term.  This policy change is to provide firm class lists for class preparation.  

ACE allows for one weather related closure per semester. Teachers are allowed one personal/sick day per semester. Any additional absences require a pro-rated refund of class fees. Teachers, please attempt to provide a substitute for an absence that is known about ahead of time.

In the event of family, personal, medical, or other emergency (long or short term), teachers may arrange for a substitute instructor of their choosing. All substitutes are to be cleared with the ACE Board. Fees paid to an approved substitute is between teacher and that substitute. ***

Disruptions in the classroom
A board member will be available to assist teachers during classes.  If a student is providing a significant distraction in the classroom, whether for behavior or illness, or the teacher needs any other support during the class hour, board members are available to assist.  It is the teacher's discretion as to whether a child needs to return to his/her parent for the remainder of class, and board members will assist in this process so that instructional time may continue.